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Anne St. John

Are You Blocking the Messages from Your Family and Friends in Spirit?

After that family member died, after your friend that you loved passed away - how did you know they still saw you or communicated with you? Do you remember that night at the campfire, where you told your sister that she was not a great person? Or the meaningful relationship that you have in your life, but not in this time? It is a future or another place in Spirit that it all happens and you have it, you just don't know why you can't receive the messages and signs here in your life from this world of Spirit and Heaven. Let's look at the reasons why...

Aura girl
Are we missing the signs from our loved ones in Spirit? How do we unblock them?

No matter what your relationship was with that person - a parent, a sibling, a son or daughter, or a good friend or spouse, you have a deep connection to that soul. You chose this life and they came in around the same time. Some came to help you, and some for you to help them. It is a soul pact, a reason to be here and people that had to go through certain obsticles and problems to help them become a better soul. Some do wonderful. Some freak out and do not do so well. That is my story with my brother, Miles.

Miles was a good guy. He was into cars and boats. He liked girls but did not date much. He was told a lot of problems and was serious minded. And yet, he fell apart in his mid teens. He was suicidal early and struggled to maintain the joy in his everyday life. He had obsticles and hurt for people. But he did not handle drugs or alcohol well. And when he took too much, just imagine, he was not himself. So, he did try to make it, but ultimately he took his life at nineteen years old.

His life was over but I still felt him around. My dad thought he heard him singing some mornings, and my mother had very vivid dreams of him apologizing to her and hugging her so real that she could feel his shirt. But sometimes, or for a long time, we don't get these messages. And it is painful to wait, and to wonder, why you haven't heard a word or even a symbol from them.

My point of view is of a Medium. I had these experiences all my life. I took classes to make myself become better, and I wondered when it could just all click in and become a second nature. It was a joke, right? I would not know that an ex boyfriend would just show up and apologize for his misgivings. Or a day that my computer ipad would suddenly turn itself on as I went to touch it. Or the way that I felt when I saw a light silhouette leaning on my breakfast bar. I knew that I was catching a glimpse of Spirit. And then I began to figure it out logically.

I believed it. I trusted Spirit. When I began my career early on, I realized that I can understand the clair cognizant thoughts coming in as someone else's energy and not my personal thought. I knew that I was thinking conversationally. And once I accepted that it was very possible that it was not me - not thinking back and forth to myself - but to someone in Spirit - then I was given more to understand. My Aunt Janet, who died before I was born, helped me a lot in those early years. She used to be a good listener, and now she is a great teacher. My Great Grandmother guided me as a child, and sometimes as a toddler, but often now she regrets knowing that things would happen beforehand during her own life, so she sides on the 'not knowing it all so you don't feel guilty later' group. In my own mind, I know that I can handle a great deal. So, let's start there.

Once I knew, really understood that I was communicating, then I was told that Spirit would give me more to digest emotionally and mentally. It started with TRUST. I needed to trust them, and even myself. Can you imagine not handling it and suddenly thinking that you are in a dangerous place? Or that everyone else will think you are crazy so you hide your feelings and act as if you don't care. Simple. Explain why you do not know when the garbage truck will arrive? Suppose it always is in the middle of the night at 3am and you pick that time to wake up to hear it? Well, some of us know that it will be a little bit noisy and we sleep though it. And that is how Spirit works with some souls. Spirit will give you all this information - even the garbage that you did not want to see - in your sleep. You have a choice - listen or wake up and to hear it. Some of us sleep soundly, and others regretfully don't want to hear the stuff they find too intense. Some of us see it as a good thing, and others are not open to it, and can't deal with more drama. And there is your reason. You may not be ready to hear it.

Some people are afraid to hear that the soul is happy. They want that soul in a constant state of mourning for the life they left because their family is still in pain - so should they be as well. So a symbol of a heart or a bee or a cardinal or a flower that was given in Spirit is not as well recieved here in our waking life on earth. We kinda remeber that issue we had. Or that dozens of roses that we made in our mind for the same reason that we needed to see a flower that day. Or the mean mom that we think we are - overwhelming our souls in Spirit and should not - since we tried to do everything possible - but still we give ourselves a load of crap that we somehow could have done more. And my guess is that by not allowing ourselves off the hook for saving our spouse or a daughter or son, we look at the work we did over and over instead of the reason we did it.

Our reason is always that we loved that person. We wanted to grow old together and see a future with them in our lives. Now that they are gone, we forget to focus on the love, the knidness and the forgiving nature we have with them. Or we go the opposite way and place them on a pedestal. And immortalize them by giving them a hollow life of no problems, no trials and tribulations and act as if they were complete saints. Let's just say that Spirit is kind but they are not facinated with being perfect.

My friend, David was with me in the last moments of this blog. He is telling me that in his opinion, that people are like an onion. They have lots of layers, and some of them stink. But lots of us are in a way of thinking that we did not get hurt by people, that we still don't even after they pass away. Maybe that is why they hold back. Maybe we do it to ourselves so that we do not have to relive the pain of being with them, or losing them.

Miles was really trying to help me, but as it turns out he helped me lose a lot that I needed in my life. And I am recovering that. But in my defense, Miles says, "I did not choose it - I just made you feel as if it was the best choice to have." Even that can hurt me, knowing the pressure that we can recieve from Spirit as much as anyone here on earth makes us choose things we may be wary of. Just remember- I think at least I am more soft hearted in Spirit than I can be here on earth. This world has a way of toughening us up. That I believe is the reason that we change as we grow in this life. And many of us, as I respect my clients understand this, know that the tough stuff is easier to hear from a stranger or a friend. And not from a aunt in Heaven whispering it in your ear every night. So, I give you the ending - a good way to tell if you are psychic, is to ask yourself... Can you believe in the way that they tell you? So, you see the writing on the wall, or the sign that points you to the best person possible? You see it, believe it, and know it. Whatever you can handle at this time emotionally, they will give you. And if you are being drawn to a psychic, then you can see that it is real and purposeful - that you need the messages from a stranger or perhaps a friend that can tell you that you are not going crazy. You can still connect to them. It is on you.


Anne St. John is a Psychic Medium, and author of MIles Away. You can book a reading with her from anywhere in the world by Zoom conference, Facetime or phone at

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