What happens when you want to book a Medium reading and are worried that the soul that you really want to show up may not come through? I have had many clients that are afraid to say yes to booking a reading, because they are afraid that the soul may be too busy or maybe bothered by coming through to a Medium. Here are my tips on attracting your desired spirit in a medium reading and getting the most out of the time spent in your reading before it even begins.
Before you even book the reading, look for the signs that Heaven is trying to communicate with you. I once had a client, who woke up from a dream about his Aunt that had passed away. She was trying to talk with him, but he could not understand her. So, he went to his sister who knew me, and we spent some time on the phone. In his reading, his Aunt did show up. She identified herself through the way she spoke, and dressed, and validated that he was seeing her in his dream. Then she spoke about her message. She talked about how when she was alive, she was religious, but had rough times and then moved away from the church later in life. She died, and was welcomed into Heaven, and was given all the love she had for herself and others. She reminded him that he was going through the tough times and also had lost some of his faith, and not to give up. He was happy that he had the reading and thanked his sister for setting it up. The soul of his Aunt was very pleased, too. About two years later, he passed away, and came through to his sister in another reading, along side their father who had passed right before him. It was very meaningful to see him as bright and happy as ever to his family here on the earth, after he had been so dispondent in his life. So, look for the signs. Dreams, feathers, butterflies, pennies, cardinals, certain flowers or number sequences are tip offs to you that the souls in Heaven that you are reminded of by these symbols are there, and may be asking to communicate. A medium is there to help you bridge that gap.
When you are ready to book the reading, communicate to that loved one that you want them to be there for you. People in Heaven have special abilities. They can show up next to you in a moments notice. Sometimes, just thinking of them will bring them to you. They can hear your thoughts, they can hear your voice when you talk out loud too. They are notified like an email message made of light, when you pray for them. Ask them, to be there. They may already know about it and plan on it. But ask kindly, either way. And be open to what they have to tell you. Think highly and forgiving of them.
I once had a client who was so mad at her mother that she literally came to me a day after the funeral. And her mother refused to speak to her. She said her daughter was too angry to argue with from Heaven because she was rudely telling her mother that she did not get the entire family fortune she planned on having. And the reading was me telling her that "your mom is here but she is not talking". And other souls were happy to fill in the gaps. But this family was not going to have another squabble over money when her mom was in the midst of celebrating her new life in Heaven. So be prepared to be at peace with who your family is and how they may have evolved in Spirit as well. Pray for them and for you to be ready to hear all the blessings that they have to give you.
If you are in the reading and they do not come through right away, be patient, but ask anyway. As a Medium, I can tell you that I do not always know who is trying to communicate with my client. Sometimes the husband that passed, comes through right away, and starts talking up a storm. And sometimes the mother in law, shows up first to say a few words. It's okay. Souls like to allow some souls the time to say a few things before it really gets busy in the reading. Maybe Mom in law was rather harsh and wants to say a few thank yous for being kinder to her than she knew. Or your friend's husband that passed comes through to tell her hello and then brings in your dad, to show that they are all together on that side of the Veil. But it is common for shy people to remain shy. Or for grandparents to come though to give good advice when you need it. They may have watched you on earth longer and have a few good words to say, that will really help you. So allow the souls to do their thing, and let you have the reading that they want you to have because it may make more sense to you later after you allow your life to play out some more. And if that ex husband wants to apologize, allow it, and then ask if your mother is waiting in the wings to speak to you. She may feel that it was better to hear him out first before she decided to speak.
And always tell me if you are missing someone special, because if the soul is not there, it may be that he knows that he needs to be silent. About 99% of the time, they are available and waiting a turn to say something. Remember, people do not change into perfect angels overnight just because they passed away, your chatty uncle is still very chatty! Just ask if they are available if you don't see everyone come through. Some souls are just waiting patiently to get involved and are waiting to let others go first.
Best practice is to just let them do the reading. And the souls that are most important to you are going to be there. And have fun! For once in your life, you are off the hook. The family that shows up in the reading is there to assist you. Not to condemn you for the way you behaved in high school or why you choose to beat up that kid in first grade. You really have no worries. So, relax and enjoy the family that loves you coming through from a thoughtful higher place.
Anne St. John is a Psychic Medium that is avaialble by appointment only through www.AnneStJohn.com Stop in, read reviews, and book your appointment today!