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Anne St. John

Dealing with Grief through Mediumship

You may never know what it feels like until it hits you personally. The loss of a child, a grandchild, your spouse, mom or dad. The special and most precious lives in your family or circle of friends, can be suddenly disrupted with an unexpected and untimely death. I have been a Medium since 2011, but somehow, most recently, it has been getting tougher and more serious. Not tougher to hear souls or to see in my mind, or physically feel the signs that Spirit has given me in the readings, but the specific situations that clients that have come to me for assistance. These families are in serious pain, and the matter of the heart is at risk. How do we move forward when our loved ones are suddenly separated from us? Lately, many have asked me to reach out to see who is there waiting to talk to them and is that special person still ok.

Families have been hit hard this past year. I have heard from more than one soul that died from an overdose, car and motorcycle accident victims, and from a young son that committed suicide - just to name a few. Children to parents and siblings that are lost in grief are asking for mediumship readings. And on some levels, they are being helped. Just to begin the process of acceptance in a small way can help a person ease some of the mental and physical pain of loss. To understand that their lives have changed, but also to know that the soul that is no longer physically with us, is still alive and in a new and understanding, accepting home called Heaven.

The suddenness of a tragic loss, and the unexpected funeral that follows is the possibly the most difficult time for a family to adjust. I want to say that Mediumship is a help but not a cure all, and yet I have seen sessions ease many of their pains as well. To explain from the soul's point of view the answers to many of the "what if"s can be comforting and sometimes life saving - if the family member were to want to follow them. The unknown has most of us baffled. The questions of "Is my son ok?", "Does my daughter still see us and know that we miss her?", "What should we do for her/him? Is there a special request that she/he wants?" and many times "Why? Why now? Why is this the time that he/she had to pass?" These are questions that can only be answered from the Hereafter. And some answers are needed for healing and to move our lives forward as best we can.

There are also people that may need their faith to be reinforced. Some need to hear from our child/parent/friend/spouse one last time. The pain of separation can be cauterized in some ways by hearing and validating that the soul has passed into the Heavenly Light of God. And, to know that they are still connected to us. And perhaps that soul can help an individual here on Earth get the understanding that they needed to help them move forward in a positive direction. Just to have faith that you will see that beautiful soul again is good enough for some, but others still need more time and answers with them. Time to reach though the Veil and see that this loved and special soul has survived our time on Earth together, forgiven us or others, needed help and found it, or just sees that we are trying to cope the best we can without them.

To be honest, I believe that we are always in need of a good counselor when we lose a life from those we cherish when the grief is too heavy a burden to carry. Mediumship is grief support. It helps those that can grasp that God allows those souls to be seen and heard from His perfect realm. He never gives us more than we can bare, and He always gives us ways to lift the burdens that are too heavy for us to carry alone. If you or someone that you know has just lost a loved one, keep your faith, be kind to yourself and them, and allow Heaven to guide you in whatever direction you need to ease the pain of this loss. Whether you are guided to counseling or a Medium, you are assisted by Heaven. And Heaven is with you in each and every reading.

Anne St. John is a Certified Psychic Medium located in St. Augustine, Florida but available to your anywhere in the world virtually via Skype, Phone or Facetime. You can reach her at

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