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Anne St. John

The Truth About the Afterlife: Do We Become Angelic Souls After Death?

Be me for a moment. I listen to Spirit. I speak to people that died and live in Heaven. What do my clients ask me... Is my family member like an angelic person and blissfully happy all the time because they live in Heaven. Here is what I know:

A woman in Heaven laying in a cloud
Soul in Heaven on Cloud 9

First, your loved ones are very similar to their personalities on Earth. But - they have lost the mission to make themselves better. They see that they were not happy and they give themsellves a break. And in many cases, they wind up happiest than those of us on Earth. Some of them are free of the dirty laundry that they carried. And others are still expected to smile and laugh at the many things that have been in their lives for a reason. In any case, they are better for the experience.

But do they lose their personalities and become nomatic wandering souls that live on the clouds? Well, pull up a chair, they are not the same, but they are still the same people that they once were here. Just more evolved.

Here is a personal story that had me rolling on the floor laughing today. And you can see how my normal morning turned into a laugh a minute way of trying to just maintain my day and get the the three readings that I had scheduled on time. It starts out that I was scrolling through facebook, which is like my personal morning news. And I see a meme about Karma that my friend and former coworker Shelly posted. It was a repost of a video of a woman and man from South Africa taking pictures over a kill, a make lion that was huge and the man telling the woman how to pose over the dead lion. He moves to the camera, and then she is distracted until she screams and runs off camera while another large male lion leaps into view and attacks her off camera.. You hear her screams and gunshots and then, nothing except that the male lion then walks into view of the camera, clearly not taken down by the hunters. It was clearly a real situation, and I felt a bit shocked and anxious over the last seconds of this woman's life on a short meme reel. But them Spirit always has a way of showing up and with the perspective of Heaven. And helped me see it their way.

So, I am in the shower and hearing a woman talk to me, and she is joking about the lion scene and tells me that it was a disaster here on Earth, but it was a good way to show that people do what they think is a good thing and don't think through their actions. In fact, the lady that was talking to me says do you know who I am, and I say back in my mind, jokingly, "Yeah, you're my friend that doesn't know how to behave" And she says but who am I - and I recognize her as Shelly's sister... who I never met in life but have spoken to in Spirit and here for Shelly for a quick message or two. And she is explaining that this lady was attacked and didn't make it out alive but how funny is this... she never saw it coming. And she was the one out there shooting lions! You would like to think that she was a more cautious person. She laughed and said I bet she had claw marks across her ass in the coffin! And at this point I'm no longer anxious but laughing uncontrollably! Yes, even in Heaven, they have a sense of humor!

And before she left, she said to tell Shelly that she is watcing over her and beware... LOL .. that she wishes that she was with her and to be good. And added B-I-T-C-H. (Still laughing) So, I told Shelly the story and the rest of the details and said, hey Shelly, your sister sends her love.

Souls come through with the memories and the humor, the happiness and the forever love that makes them who they are. No one loses their personality or their personal stories. It is all a part of who they are as a Soul.

two woman laughing
We all need a good laugh in Heaven and Earth

People make all kinds of horrible mistakes, and they make asses out of themselves. Most are fine when they cross over. Some are very happy and some are a bit confused. But all of them are their souls. The same tribe, the same humor, the same heavenly laugh and the same peace that they have had for years as a human. They become the angelic version of themselves that they were in life, because they are not carrying the heavy baggage that they once had here. Worries are gone. Diseases are cured. Freedom is achieved. But still, no one is ever perfect. Just better for having the experience.

Technically, souls don't sit on a cloud with a harp. Not unless they are real hard core harp players! It may be a Harp beer or a good story of when they used to drink it. They love to sing and play and be. They are perminantly retired and happy. What would you do if you never had to leave vacation. Think of that. Because you lost people that are doing that right now. And they are loving every minute of it.


Anne St. John is a Psychic Medium who is available by appointment only at

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