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Anne St. John

What if You Choose to End Your Life?

What happens if you quit? As I am gearing up to publish our book, Miles Away, which tells the story of how my teenage brother, Miles, took his life, I wanted to give a preview. However, it is better to allow you, the reader, to see what the souls that helped me write the story express their opinion. Is it a better deal to end your life? This was their answer:

a graveyard path
Try another route.

" What if you choose to end your life? Where would you end up?

Think about it.

Now, you could take your life and regret having lived. But I say with all my love, you deserve better.

Who remembers what size shoe they wore in high school? Or who's phone number they wanted? Why is it so important? You needed these things before. But how long will it last? Everything is constantly changing. Your life is evolving. There is one constant.

You deserve respect.

Especially from yourself. As you see, in life, you are not always in control. But what you can control is your own point of view. Your story is unfolding in your own telling of it.

You tell it how it is. You become what you know. You believe in yourself.

You don't need my validation. You don't need others.

You need your own.


Because life has handed you a bowl of cherries. And you can see it as a pleasure to eat them or as a chore to un-pit them.

Why not make it a challenge?

Try thinking for yourself. Think of your way out of that poor house. Or the villain that gave you a raw deal - did he deserve to live happily? No, but you do. You deserve to be happy.

Today is your day.

You can enjoy the outdoors, go kayaking, mountain climbing, skiing, or forcing a confrontation with your parent, or friend. Or you can become one with the Universe.

By the way, we don't advocate the 'one with the Universe' - You can have that later.

In the meantime, from our view in Heaven, we see you in school, with lessons to learn here. Forgive us, we made it through already. We graduated and some with honors.

Hint: Those with the toughest lives are the ones that graduate with honors. That is how special you are in this place. But you need to finish.

Here in Heaven, we also see you as a child.

Learning to cope with the other classmates on Earth.

You decide what you can and never would do. Remember the choice is yours.

But if you cave in - give up early - then you will find a reason to mourn your own passing.

And that will be your worst day.

Because, like Miles was told... you were destined for greatness!

And this was only the beginning of your story.

Peace be with you."

-- The Souls of Miles Away

Anne St. John is a Psychic Medium, Author, and Life Coach at the Natural Soul Center. You can book online virtual appointments at

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