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Carlos Williams

Palm Coast, FL

"I woke up one morning and immediately remembered my Aunt, who passed away not too long ago.  She had been very nice to me and I kept thinking about her all morning.  Then I remembered that my sister knows Anne St. John, the Medium. I had her ask Anne to call me and this is what happened over the phone.  Anne found out that my Aunt had passed, but she did not say that right away.  She asked if I knew of an older female and then described my Aunt and the way she was.  She asked if my Aunt had a loss of faith before she died.  And I explained that she had a terrible time, angry with God and she had even stopped going to church for the year before her passing.  Anne explained that my Aunt was saying that she had found her faith restored and was in a good place with God after she had died.  Anne was able to provide me with peace and comfort by allowing my Aunt to show me that with losing faith, it can be renewed, and restored. and reborn even after we leave the earth.  Not only that, when she explained that my Aunt was close to me all day that morning, I understood why I had the urge to call.  No one could have known the ability to reach out to someone to confirm what I felt in my heart, that my Aunt was still there with me and relentlessly wanted me to get the message.  Thank you."

Post Script:  I spoke with Carlos' sister recently.  She told me that he passed away just a few years after his reading.  While speaking, his soul immediately came through to her along side his father, and they gave gratitude and love to the family.  - Anne St. John

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